PowerShot: Ballistic Impact Detection for Substations
Protect Substation Assets from High-Powered Rifle Attacks with PowerShot
Prevent catastrophic failures and lengthy outages with PowerShot ballistic impact detection technology.
Real-time detection and notification allows utilities the time needed to respond to attacks and de-energize compromised assets before catastrophic failure occurs.
With the rise in threats against electrical substations, incorporating advanced security solutions such as the PowerShot Ballistic Impact Detector is critical for adhering to the regulatory standards set by NERC and FERC, following a series of attacks on electrical substations. PowerShot boosts physical security protocols by immediately detecting and alerting on ballistic impacts, thus enabling prompt reactions to potential security breaches. This technology enables utilities to become compliant with NERC CIP-014-3 and FERC Rule 802.
With the introduction of PowerShot, Power Intelligence LLC has leveraged our expertise in microelectronic sensor and embedded signal processing technology to produce a simple and affordable method for real-time detection of ballistic assaults on substation assets.
Intelligent Ballistic Shot Detection

Features & Specifications
PowerShot combines several key technologies to create an affordable yet robust solution to the growing problem of physical attacks on critical power delivery infrastructure.
PowerShot employs state-of-the-art 3D micro-electromechanical (MEMS) technology to continuously monitor the frequency, amplitude and direction of vibrations occurring on any surface to which it is attached. On-board analysis is performed by an embedded microprocessor that discriminates between ballistic impact events and everyday vibrations with millisecond resolution and response times.
Sensor Dimensions
Gateway Dimensions
Sensor Weight
Gateway Weight
4”W x 4”L x 2.5”H
8”W x 4”L x 3”H
1.8lbs Aluminum
Gateway Input
120VAC, POE+, 12-48VDC 3A
Gateway to Sensor
Gateway to LAN/WAN
Ethernet Gateway to SCADA
Gateway to WWAN
Bluetooth Encryption
Gateway Protocols
10/100/1000 Ethernet
2/5GHz WiFi
AES 128-bit
Ordering Information
PowerShot Gateway
PowerShot Sensor
Powershot Backbone 25'
Sensor Cable with T 15’
25’ PSB-25
Get PowerShot
Request a custom PowerShot quote and deployment plan for your site today.
Why PowerShot?
The recent resurgence of armed attacks on electrical substations and transformers in particular has brought regulatory attention from FERC and DHS who recently published Order 802 and CIP-014-3, mandating physical security measures for critical power delivery assets, including protection from attacks by high-powered rifles.
Until now, the only method of protection was to erect ballistic shields around transformers, or to replace substation chain-link fencing with bulletproof walls.
While effective, these solutions are expensive and time consuming; Ballistic shields can cost upwards of $1,000,000 often taking more than a year to deliver, and replacing chain-link fence with brick or concrete walls can be even more expensive and time-consuming.
Within seconds of a verified impact operators will be notified and may respond in time to effect repairs before the transformer bleeds out of critical dielectric oil, triggering a catastrophic failure. PowerShot alerts can also drive security cameras to automatically zoom in on the detection point to provide visual verification of the event.