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November 14, 2023
An inside look at the new world of Surveillance Automation
January 25, 2024With the escalating threat of vandals and terrorists utilizing high-power rifles to target critical power infrastructure, PowerShot—Power Intelligence’s latest addition to our line of substation security and monitoring products—emerges as a revolutionary solution, combining innovation with cost-effectiveness to safeguard essential assets and fortify the resilience of the nation’s power grid.
PowerShot is designed to detect and report assaults on substations in real-time, utilizing a patent-pending method of ballistic impact detection. This cutting-edge technology employs a 3-axis accelerometer for detection and an embedded microprocessor for analysis and communication, offering a refined and targeted approach to security.
One of the key advantages of PowerShot lies in its ability to address the specific challenges posed by attacks on transformers. When a transformer is shot, a gradual process unfolds where the dielectric insulating coolant leaks out, leading to overheating and, ultimately, catastrophic failure. PowerShot’s advanced sensors, including the 3-axis accelerometer, enable early detection of transformer assaults. Upon detecting a ballistic impact, the embedded microprocessor swiftly analyzes the data and communicates real-time alerts to utilities, empowering them to implement corrective actions before catastrophic damage occurs.
PowerShot not only brings innovative technology to the forefront but also offers a cost-effective solution compared to traditional alternatives. With an approximate cost of $2,000 per sensor, PowerShot stands in stark contrast to ballistic transformer shields, which can cost upwards of $1,000,000 per transformer. Beyond the considerable cost difference, ballistic transformer shields often come with a significant lead time of 9-12 months for delivery. PowerShot’s affordability and rapid deployment capabilities provide a compelling advantage, enabling utilities to enhance their security infrastructure without enduring prolonged wait times and exorbitant expenses.
Moreover, PowerShot distinguishes itself from gunshot audio detectors, which report all discharges of a firearm, whether aimed at substation equipment or not. Unlike audio detectors that may generate numerous alerts, potentially leading to false alarms, PowerShot’s selective reporting feature ensures precision by reporting only verified ballistic impacts on instrumented assets. This not only reduces the likelihood of false positives but also enhances the overall efficiency of security response protocols, making PowerShot a preferred choice for utilities aiming to bolster the resilience of their critical power infrastructure.
As the nation faces evolving threats to its power grid, PowerShot, with its patent-pending technology, stands as a testament to the innovative solutions that can safeguard the reliability and security of our critical infrastructure. The adoption of such advanced technologies underscores the commitment to fortifying the resilience of the power grid and ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply to communities across the nation.